Assignment 01 — NT609 Scientific Journal Writing

Christin Palit
2 min readFeb 27, 2024


Hello, my name is Christin Palit, usually called Christin. I am a first-year of doctoral student majoring in Mining Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology. Currently, I am also a lecturer in the Mining Engineering Study Program at Trisakti University.

As a lecturer and also a doctoral student, publication is one of the most important things. Publication for a lecturer is a responsibility to our profession, namely implementing “The Three Pillar of Higher Education”: Education, Research and Community Services. Publication is also a track record as an academic, it is proof that a scientific research has been carried out in accordance with the field of science. With this publication, it is expected to contribute to the development of science in a particular field of science. Beside that, scientific publications are one of the requirements in managing the promotion of lecturers. In addition, most universities in Indonesia have implemented one of the graduation requirements, namely the scientific publication of students from the research that has been carried out. So, based on this, through this course, I want to learn and improve my writing skills to be able to produce scientific publications that have good quality, both in national and international journals.

The focus of my studies in on mineral processing, which is one of important process in mining industry. Mineral processing is a processing of ores from mining areas in order to separate the valuable mineral from waste rock or gangue mineral. Mineral processing is a subject that I have been studying since my master’s study and in line with the field that I am working as one of the lecturers in my Study Program. My dissertation research topic is about Flotation, one of mineral processing methods to increase the grade of valuable minerals from treated ore. My research plan is on bioflotation of bauxite ore using microorganisms such as silicate degrading bacteria to reduce silica content in bauxite. By taking this course, I hope that I can improve my skills in writing scientific article to produce several international reputable scientific articles related to my topic research.

I want to publish in the journal Mineral Engineering. It is a well-established international journal devoted to innovations and developments in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy. This journal also has a high impact factor. So, my work would become more well-known and credible in the metallurgy and mineral processing areas if I can publish my article in this journal.

